চাকরির সারসংক্ষেপ
খালি পদ: ০৩
প্রয়োজনীয় বিষয়সমূহ
অতিরিক্ত প্রয়োজনীয় বিষয়সমূহ
- Essential literacy and valid Light and Medium professional driving license issued by the Government of Bangladesh. (অপরিহার্য স্বাক্ষরতা এবং বাংলাদেশ সরকার কর্তৃক অনুমোদিত বৈধ হালকা ও মাঝারী পেশাদার ড্রাইভিং লাইসেন্স)
- Good knowledge of country roads (দেশের রাস্তাঘাট সম্পর্কে ভালো ধারনা থাকতে হবে)
- Essential 2 years minimum of previous driving experience (ড্রাইভিং করার ক্ষেত্রে অন্তত দুই বছরের অভিজ্ঞতা থাকা অপরিহার্য)
- Desirable experience to use 4 wheel vehicle (ফোর হুইল গাড়ী চালানোর অভিজ্ঞতা থাকলে ভালো হয)·
- Desirable in MSF or other NGOs (এমএসএফ বা অন্য কোনো এনজিও’র সাথে যুক্ত থাকার অভিজ্ঞতা থাকলে ভালো হয়)
চাকরির দায়িত্বসমূহ এবং কনটেক্সট
- Checking daily the technical conditions of the assigned vehicle (state of the tires, oil, Fuel, brakes, radio equipment, spare parts, etc.), performing weekly checks according to the MSF Logbook, refilling it when necessary, and keeping it clean to ensure it can be driven in perfect conditions. Carrying out a handover if another uses the vehicle
- Ensuring the security of passengers in the car, driving carefully, observing speed limits and traffic rules in the country and MSF security rules to avoid car accidents.
- Ensuring all passengers have all necessary papers in order before travelling and ensuring non-MSF staff sign disclaimers of responsibility before using the vehicle
- Ensuring correct loading and unloading of the vehicle, submitting the documents to the receiver of the goods, checking the status of delivered goods, returning the duly completed documents to Logistics and ensuring that the goods have the necessary documents
- Ensure all vehicle documents and the driver's driving license are valid and in the vehicle.
- Informing the line manager of any incident involving transporting passengers or goods.
- Knowing how to use all types of radios, codes, call numbers and radio alphabets by heart and communicating with the base according to MSF communications policy to inform the driver's position and any potential implications.
- Knowing and respecting the security rules related to vehicle movements, specifically those related to customs, checkpoints and roadblocks. Ensuring all passengers know and respect the security rules
- MSF Section/Context Specific Accountabilities
- Applicable for all:
- Always keeping the line manager/MMO updated about the condition of the road
- Keeping aforesaid issues, i.e. mileage, fuel receipt, servicing, repair, accident and other updated/recorded in the logbook
- Checking the vehicle daily and weekly and to ensure all vehicle-related preparation prior to start journey
- Briefing the passengers about the rules and regulations of the vehicle and methods and assisting them in training/providing information
- During the referral, the drivers should help the nurses and the patient coordinators to lift up or down the stretcher and if necessary, actively helping the patient while going in or out of the vehicle
- To consciously know the information about the detailed responsibilities of the drivers, i.e. standard communication point, map/location of all places, maintenance of the vehicles, daily, weekly and phase by phase checkup of the vehicles
- Participating all meeting and probable training sessions
- Maintenance of the vehicle
- Ensuring that the internal and external parts of the vehicle is clean and clear and also to clean the engine and chassis regularly
- Checking the vehicle daily, i.e. fuel quantity, engine oil, coolant quantity, brake, crutch fluid, windscreen cleaning, radiator grill cleaning, tyre condition, any possible leakage and radio accessories)
- Whenever fuel amount comes down to half or after a week and even before every vacation, fuel must be refilled
- After using the vehicle by other driver, vehicle must be checked and to do report about probable problems
- To ensure that the logbook, liability form, complete emergency medical kit, accessories jack, strap, rope and also to check the availability of the reserved items which have been fixed in the logbook. If any tool is found absent or flawed, the line manager must be informed immediately
- Saving the vehicle from risk/accident/steal as much as possible; ensuring safe parking of the vehicle, particularly at night or during holidays
- Checking whether the load is properly preserved and complied duly and to ensure load/unload of the vehicle
- Tools and Accessories
- To make a list of the tools and accessory items for every month and hand it over to the supervisor directly
- To look after the equipment related to the vehicle and driver, i.e. uniform, gloves, winch, spare tyres, jack, safety triangle, sticker, and flags
- It must be ensured that without any prior permission no items to be removed from the vehicle
- It has to be ensured that all the carried items should have the supporting documents. To file a report about a probable crisis, the storage of the products must be checked prior to make the signature
- To ensure easy availability of the fire extinguisher inside the vehicle and knowing how to use it
- Documents
- While driving, a legal driving license must be kept. Besides, to have the necessary documents for managing the vehicle
- Prior to journey, it must be ensured that all passengers have the necessary documents including the permission paper
- Safety Issue
- To keep the seat belt tied while driving the car. Driver must ensure that all passengers are following this rule.
- Driving carefully. Speed limit, fixed in the highway code or the logbook, must be complied. While crossing a populated area, road condition, vehicle’s load, technological condition must be considered and the speed should be adjusted accordingly. Vehicle and weather condition to be assessed and thus the safety of the drivers and the passengers will be ensured
- After every trip, the vehicle must be made disinfected
- Ensuring safe parking of the vehicle, particularly at night or during holidays
- Security
- It is to be ensured that all carried goods are properly preserved and protected in the back/ inner side of the vehicle
- Security related all incidents to be notified to the movement monitoring officer or head of drivers
- As Smoking is absolutely prohibited in MSF vehicle in all conditions; in addition, while carrying inflammable items like gas cylinder, everybody must be cautious so that no one smoke in the nearby place. It must be ensured that all passengers are fully complying this rule
- To ensure safety and security of the vehicle, if he comes out of the base, he must try to remain close to it
- Reporting
- If Security related incidents or any other important information, if it is seen on the road or being informed through radio, must be notified to the supervisor instantly and directly
- any accident, damage or any technical fault takes place, the supervisor must be informed instantly
কম্পেন্সেশন এবং অন্যান্য সুবিধাসমূহ
12 month- contract renewable based on performance and operational needs. Salary according to level 03 (Three) of the internal MSF salary grid (BDT 39000 Gross). Salary is not negotiable. Income tax deduction from salary based on current income tax rule. 2 annual leave days per month worked. Medical insurance for employee and direct dependents based on Health Care Policy- Locally Recruited Staff.(১২মাসের চুক্তি কর্মদক্ষতা ও কাজের প্রয়োজনের উপর ভিত্তি করে নবায়নষোগ্য।এমএসএফ-এর অভ্যন্তরীণ বেতন কাঠামো অনুযায়ী লেভেল৩, (মোটবেতন-৩৯০০০টাকা), কাজ করার পরে প্রত্যেকমাসে ২ দিন অজির্তছুটি, কর্মী এবং তার নিভর্রশীলদের জন্য চিকিৎসাভাতা পাবে)
চাকরির ধরন
ফুল টাইম
Cox's Bazar (Ukhia)
আবেদনের পূর্বে পড়ুন
Please send your CV, letter of motivation, scanned copy of all the academic certificates, NID, experience certificate & scanned copy of your Driving License to kutupalong-jobs@oca.msf.org by 18/05/2024. Mention "Application for Driver" in the subject line. No hard copies are accepted. (দয়া করে আগামী 18 মে 2024 এর মধ্যে আপনার জীবন বৃত্তান্ত, মোটিভেশন লেটার, কর্ম অভিজ্ঞতা এবং অন্যান্য প্রয়োজনীয় ডকুমেন্ট ই-মেইল kutupalong-jobs@oca.msf.org করতে হবে। বিযয় লাইনে ড্রাইভারের জন্য আবেদন উল্লেখ করুন।) কোন হার্ডকপি গ্রহণ করা হবে না।
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Only online applications will be accepted.
Any hard copies (unless it has been requested for) will be discarded.
Female are encourage to apply·
Only Bangladeshi citizens will be considered for this position.
No monetary, goods or service offers, nor favoritism, will be tolerated in a recruitment process.
Any illicit solicitations can be reported to the justice system.
MSF reserves the right to refuse any candidate having benefited from such acts and will stop collaboration with any workers involved in such acts.
Médecins Sans Frontières is an equal opportunity employer and encourages diversity, equity and inclusion.
রিজিউমি পাঠানোর উপায়
Email your CV
এই ই মেইলে kutupalong-jobs@oca.msf.org আপনার সিভি পাঠান